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AddedJun 12 2015
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Aros y apliques decorativos en forma de león caminando hacia la derecha.
Túmulo de Maikop (Oshad), República Adygea, Cáucaso del Norte. Mediados del IV milenio a.C.
Material: Oro.
Información extraída de los paneles explicativos que acompañan a las piezas.

Rings and decorative overlays in shape of a lion walking to the right.
Burial mound of Maikop (Oshad), Adyjea Republic, North Caucasus. Middle of the 4th millenium b.C.
Material: Gold.
Information extracted from the informative panels that are with the pieces.

Image copyright: Rafael del Pino (Rafael dP. Iberia-Hispania), hosted on Flickr and displayed under the terms of their API.

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