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Megaliths are more than just stones.
This dolmen, sitting on the top a bare hilltop, with a few trees as sentinels and broom all around, is one of the most striking megaliths in the North of Portugal.  Photo : March 2014.
Submitted byAlta-Falisa
AddedMar 26 2014
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Megaliths are more than just stones.
This dolmen, sitting on the top a bare hilltop, with a few trees as sentinels and broom all around, is one of the most striking megaliths in the North of Portugal. Photo : March 2014.

Posted Comments:

Alta-Falisa (2014-03-26)
Found (identified as dolmen) in 1864. Foi descoberto por Simão Rodrigues Ferreira que, no ano de 1864, dele deu a seguinte localização: “no lugar da Portela, pela parte de cima da ponte de Santa Marta (…) pela semelhança com um forno, denominando-o Forno dos Mouros e consta de quatro grandes e toscas pedras levantadas ao alto, sobre as quais pousa uma enorme galeria (…).” Rectificando esta informação, anos mais tarde, em 1890, diz o seguinte: “sete grandes pedras pilares, algumas partidas; as mais altas..."

At that time, fancy names still lingered around. Today, only Anta de Santa Marta or Dólmen da Portela (a village 1 km to the South) prevails.

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