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Gallery Home >> England >> Lancashire and Merseyside >> Bidston Hill Rock Carvings

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 Having cleaned it up we celebrated with a good cheer of our discovery. It was indeed the Moon Goddess which has been in an unknown location for many years. This was a great moment for Hidden Wirral Myths & Legends as we had found something that has evaded many before us who had been in search of the carving. 

She has a body with a moon situated beneath her and is holding what looks like a key
Submitted bydodomad
AddedMar 13 2014
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Having cleaned it up we celebrated with a good cheer of our discovery. It was indeed the Moon Goddess which has been in an unknown location for many years. This was a great moment for Hidden Wirral Myths & Legends as we had found something that has evaded many before us who had been in search of the carving.

She has a body with a moon situated beneath her and is holding what looks like a key in her hand. and this was the final result.

The carvings are extremely delicate. Please do not walk on them, clean them, outline them in chalk, or worst of all, attempt to restore them.

Image Credit: Hidden Wirral Myths & Legends

Posted Comments:

astronomer (2014-03-17)
Fascinating. What is the orientation of this carving? Why Moon Goddess?
Runemage (2014-03-18)
There's a compass on the figure in one of the images, perhaps if you enlarge it you can read the orientation or alternatively contact the finders via the above link http://hiddenwirral.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/bidston-hill-moon-goddess.html and ask.
The text on the above link states that there's a moon at the figure's feet. There's also a Sun Goddess carving in the same style at the same site, it has a sunray pattern at its feet. http://www.bidstonhill.org.uk/heritage/trail13/ Also see Space Travellor's comment on the main site page
ghostlly (2014-03-21)
Which one is the cat goddess I really want to see that cat goddess.

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