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Taken during the aurora of 27/28 Feb. 2014.  Ring of Brodgar, Orkney
Submitted bymgts24
AddedFeb 28 2014
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Taken during the aurora of 27/28 Feb. 2014. Ring of Brodgar, Orkney

Posted Comments:

theCaptain (2014-03-01)
Wow !
I don't think it gets much better than this...
guile (2014-03-01)
pab (2014-03-01)
Beautiful....and just imagine what the 'builders' of the Ring must have thought was happening when they had such a magical show!
Alta-Falisa (2014-03-01)
Imagine the joy it must be to take such a photo !!!!!!
AngieLake (2014-03-02)
Lucky you mgts24!
Bladup (2014-03-02)
Wonderful....In every way
guile (2014-03-08)
I keep coming back to look at this
pab (2014-03-12)
like guile, I kept coming back to look at this wonderful image. I've given up now, and just made it my desktop photo!
punkwitch (2014-11-29)
Energyman (2022-05-08)
I'm staying near this right now, but I don't rate my chances of getting such a magnificent picture! Beautiful.
AngieLake (2022-05-08)
Lucky you Energyman. Hope the weather holds out and look forward to your photos and reports. You might get the chance to suss out the ceremonial route I found between this stone and Salt Knowe?
AngieLake (2022-05-08)

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