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Entrance stones to a building in Porthmeor round [SW434371].
Submitted byBladup
AddedDec 04 2013
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Entrance stones to a building in Porthmeor round [SW434371].

Posted Comments:

theCaptain (2013-12-04)
What a fascinating place this looks Paul, esp on the aerial satellite views. This is the sort of place I would love to spend some hours just wandering around, almost a whole prehistoric village just left undisturbed for a couple of thousand years. This and the one near Chun. Maybe one day.....

If you would like to leave us some sort of description for this site and the many others you have sent photos for which have basically blank sitepages, then please do. I note you have done so for new sites you have sent. Just add your thoughts as a comment to the sitepage and we'll do the rest.
Bladup (2013-12-05)
Yes great place, It's very complete but very overgrown, It'll be good if this one gets cleared like a lot of the others have down here, It's the layers of history these places have that gets me, Settlements from the Neolithic all the way to early medieval in some cases, An amazing amount of time, Can you imagine all the info that can be learnt from such [like you said] undisturbed places, Interesting that the house with the fogou is seperate from the houses in the round, I wonder why? and yes good idea, I'll add some info.

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