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No idea what they think this is, other than the obvious ! My Spanish language skills are almost non-existant, my Euskadi (Basque) language skills even less ! 

strange reflections in the glass case !
Submitted bytheCaptain
AddedJul 04 2013
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No idea what they think this is, other than the obvious ! My Spanish language skills are almost non-existant, my Euskadi (Basque) language skills even less !
strange reflections in the glass case !

Posted Comments:

TheCaptain (2013-07-05)
Just figured the odd reflection out - its not a sort of ET trunk on the head but the top of my head stopping the sunlight on the glass. My camera lens also makes an odd effect on the left (as seen) eye !
salve (2013-07-16)
er... still don't get it. Does that mean that you have an ET Trunk growing out of your head ? And is the monocle for looking into the past ? Actually I think it is an early Picasso.(thanks for the photos).

the monocle

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