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When civilisation has ended it will be The postman that gets it going again.

Postman Chris

[517 x 513 jpg]

Submitted bypostman
AddedJan 01 2013
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When civilisation has ended it will be The postman that gets it going again.

Posted Comments:

Elijah (2015-10-25)
Hi Chris, you mention at Nant Tarw stones the repeated finding of an unknown jelly like substance at other stones, have you mapped these finds? I take it you haven't asked anyone to examine this substance...
Postman (2015-10-26)
I think that was someone else Elijah, Cerrig maybe
sem (2015-10-28)
Both myself and Cerrig have mentioned "space goo." BBC's Natures Weirdest Events had some analysed and it was found to contain frog DNA.
TheCaptain (2015-10-28)
While out on the top of Exmoor several years ago, in the springtime, I was amazed to see this "Space Goo" jelly stuff all over the place. I was also surprised how wet and boggy it was at the top of the moors, when not lower down, and to see frogspawn and tadpoles wriggling around in the long wet boggy moorland grass. Seemed to me the world had somehow turned itself upside down.
cerrig (2015-10-29)
All the Aliens I've met at megalithic sites have looked like frogs , which can't be a coincidence !

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