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Gallery Home >> Ireland (Republic of), Ireland (Northern) >> Co. Sligo >> Carrowkeel H

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I went to visit the Carrowkeel passage tombs in Co. Sligo on 14th October, and unfortunately I’m very sad to say what I found was the worst vandalism I have come across at any megalithic site in the last twenty years. A stone forming the entrance to Cairn H was knocked over. Also inside another passage tomb (Cairn K) the stones have been maliciously defaced with symbols and rambling nonsense. Pl
Submitted byKenWilliams
AddedNov 01 2023
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I went to visit the Carrowkeel passage tombs in Co. Sligo on 14th October, and unfortunately I’m very sad to say what I found was the worst vandalism I have come across at any megalithic site in the last twenty years. A stone forming the entrance to Cairn H was knocked over. Also inside another passage tomb (Cairn K) the stones have been maliciously defaced with symbols and rambling nonsense. Please notify the Gardai if you know anything.

Posted Comments:

weldersdog- (2023-11-01)
Thank you for giving this sad update. I am very thankful for the existance of this website to be able to keep up to date records of ancient sites. In this sad case i am out of words.
Romestado (2024-03-21)
This is very tragic to see that after 5000 years, the stones would fall to petty vandalism. Ken, I just saw you were mentioned in the Irish Times regarding this incident. I hope the gardai are taking it as seriously as it is written there.

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