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AddedNov 19 2017
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Pennsylvania Native American Early Stone Tools
Scrapers, hand axes, hammer stones, hoe, loaf stone, shaft straightener and so many! Really don't know what to call some. We've been finding these without digging here for years and are a little on our own. Native American friends say OH yes, very nice, thank you for showing these to us! Experts say OH no, these are not artifacts, not at all. We have dozens- so clearly tools, hand made artifacts, effigies and ' household ' items we are incredibly baffled. We also live two miles from a site where the same items are ARE ' artifacts '. It's so odd. This is an odd state. We just decided to keep checking in with those who know these ancient tools, enjoy and share them. It WOULD be extremely nice to understand who was here, however. We have bear, beaver, owl, crayfish, birds, buffalo, we think bobcat and some other animals we really, really wish we had help with. OH and of course Native Americans- four crazy-good forms so far.

Image copyright: Charlotte Keep (Charlotte Keep), hosted on Flickr and displayed under the terms of their API.

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