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Gallery Home >> Africa >> Egypt >> Lower Egypt (North) >> Meidum Broken Pyramid

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Main corbelled chamber. Flinders Petrie found the remains of a wooden sarcophagus but nothing else offers more clues.
Pyramid thought to have been started by Pharao Huni of the 3rd Dynasty and finished by his natural son Sneferu of the 3rd Dynasty in the old kingdom.
This pyramid marked the transition from the Saqqara style stepped pyramid to the classic pyramid shape, but was not a success as i
Submitted byAlexHunger
AddedMar 26 2006
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Main corbelled chamber. Flinders Petrie found the remains of a wooden sarcophagus but nothing else offers more clues.
Pyramid thought to have been started by Pharao Huni of the 3rd Dynasty and finished by his natural son Sneferu of the 3rd Dynasty in the old kingdom.
This pyramid marked the transition from the Saqqara style stepped pyramid to the classic pyramid shape, but was not a success as it collapased possibly during construction or soon after while the smooth casing was being installed. The 57 Meter long shaft and chamber are relatively well preserved and accessible.
This pyramid is the furthest South of the major Old Kingdom pyramids.

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