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Gallery Home >> Past Competitions >> 2005 Summer Photo Competition >> Gough's Cave (Cheddar)

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* B * Prehistory Photo Competition.

Like a frozen art nouveau forest in Gough's Cave, Cheddar.

Gough's Cave (Cheddar)

[750 x 528 JPG]

Submitted bycreators
AddedJun 19 2005
Vote for this image in our photo competition
* B * Prehistory Photo Competition.

Like a frozen art nouveau forest in Gough's Cave, Cheddar.

Posted Comments:

creators (2005-06-20)
I have been contacted because there seems to be a little controversy about whether I have enhanced this picture in any way. I have lodged the original with the Portal and they are satisfied that this picture, apart from a minor crop and resizing, is the original.
Klingon (2005-06-20)
It has got exactly the same color like the Cheddar cheese. Yummy!
Andy B (2005-06-20)
Creators is correct there, it's OK by us. I still can't quite believe the colour though - amazing!
NicolaDidsbury (2005-06-23)
This is a cool photo creators, I love caves, dark surreal places. But very difficult to take photos in. How did you manage it? The colour is amazing, it is just like melted, runny cheddar cheese. Is that why Cheddar Gorge got its name, because of these brightly coloured rock formations?
creators (2005-06-23)
Glad you like it Nicola, I have made a little page to show how I got to the point of taking this picture. I am not sure if it really shows the process, but certainly the progress in Cheddar caves. http://www.creators-not-consumers.co.uk/solomon.htm
Aerial-Cam (2005-06-25)
Excellent work, spending time in caves/chambers and playing with the light can be well worth the effort, see my 'The Art of Death' from Barclodiad-y-Gawres - also in this comp. Cheers AS
Aerial-Cam (2005-06-25)
PS. What were the other 2 cameras you mention on your website? Cheers AS
creators (2005-06-27)
Thanks, ArchaeologySafaris, one of the joys of photography is that it's a continual learning process. The other two cameras are fuji finepix S5000's and Nikon Coolpix 5400. I also take stereo photography and my initial exploration into the caves was about putting together a stereo set of the caves. I've put a picture of my stereo rig on the same page I posted above. As I am a bloke and can't do two things at once I needed to abandon the stereo stuff while I sussed the light out. I have since gone back and got the kind of stereo pictures I wanted. I abandoned the Finepix because the chip in them doesn't deal with greens very well, whereas the Coolpix are all round fine cameras.

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