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AddedNov 05 2014
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The Womb Cave on the inside
The acoustics are unbelievable!
The tunnel is perfectly orientated south-north and the entrance is from south. On the ceiling there is a specially made cleft, through which every day at 12 o'clock a sunray falls. It can be seen for a couple of minutes, gradually expanding and moving towards the altar. While expanding, the light obtains the shape of a phallus. In august, when the cave has been studied for the first time, the ray has been about 2 meters long. But in the end of February or the beginning of March the ray expands to 22 meters and goes exactly into the hole in the altar. There the sun phallus is staying for one or two minutes. This unbelievable phenomenon, which symbolizes fecundation, can be seen only once a year, at exactly 12 o'clock. Going from east to west, the sun gradually goes into the little whole in the cave with the shape of a small ray. The more the ray goes west, the more it expands. Water runs in the cave and it's being gathered in a little pool at its foot. Except it the region of Nenkovo is absolutely waterless. In the religion of the Thracs (orphism) the places of a cult are always on the top of the mountain, in a cave with running water in it. These caves symbolize the uterus, the conception and the rebirth. That is why people are convinced that this is the long-searched womb-cave, the ancient temple of the Thracs, where they have done the divine mysteries, also called Dionysian's orgies. In Bulgaria there are thousands of Thracian sacrificials, but this kind of womb-cave, that explains orphism, hasn't been found anywhere in the world. There are such caves in Delphi and on isle of Samotraki in Greece , but they are not so well preserved and so accurately shaped. Our cave by Nenkovo is a temple, in which the Thracs have done Dionysian's mysteries. The discovery proves the orphism has cultivated the God-Sun, who fertilizes the Mother-Goddess and that happens in a cave. It describes an orgy, which also happens in a cave with running water, which symbolizes sperm. Our folk-lore also saves information about the Thracs beliefs. In Stranja for example people worship Saint Marina, who is a heiress of antiquate gods. She also lives in a cave and the cult of her requires girls and boys to participate in the secrecy of conception once a year.

Image copyright: proxima2 (Milena), hosted on Flickr and displayed under the terms of their API.

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RADARONE (2014-11-10)

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