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The cracks and grykes surrounding the tomb can form very unusual and interesting shapes
Submitted byKenWilliams
AddedMar 10 2006
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The cracks and grykes surrounding the tomb can form very unusual and interesting shapes

Posted Comments:

Thorgrim (2006-03-10)
Great "seeing eye" picture. The obvious shot is the tomb, but here we focus on the abstract pattern of the foreground as the main feature. Clever, original and yet it still puts the prehistoric feature in the context of its landscape - and that is important. Gotta be a score of 11 out of 10.
KenWilliams (2006-03-10)
Thanks Thorgrim, this was inspired by Tysons devilishly moody shot of the same tomb. I even managed to find the exact spot he took his and took a few myself! I dont do enough of this type of 'context' view, it definitely pays to detach yourself from the stones occasionally and take some time to see what else interesting is around.
AngieLake (2006-03-10)
Mmmm.... I really like this one, Ken! That rock in the foreground even looks a bit like a huge skull with a crack up through its 'chin'! ;-)
paulcall (2007-07-23)
I've discovered this photo a bit late (see date), but this is probably your best one on the Portal. I would echo Thorgrims assessment and give it more than 10/10

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