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This is accession no. GLAHM:F.20, found during the 1902 excavations at Castle Cary (aka Castlecary) in Falkirk. The inscription records the building record of the First Cohort of Tungrians, and reads: IMP CAES T AEL ANT AVG PIO P P COH I TVNGRORVM FECIT M:
Submitted byAnne T
AddedAug 30 2019
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This is accession no. GLAHM:F.20, found during the 1902 excavations at Castle Cary (aka Castlecary) in Falkirk. The inscription records the building record of the First Cohort of Tungrians, and reads: IMP CAES T AEL ANT AVG PIO P P COH I TVNGRORVM FECIT M: "For the Emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Antoninuis Augustus Pius, Father of his country, the First Cohort of Tungrians built (this), one thousand strong". The Tungrians were a cohort of auxiliary infantry, recruited from what are now the Low Countries.

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