Comment Post

Re: Dolmen dit Lannek-er-Men by markj99 on Thursday, 28 September 2023

Visited 15.09.23

Dolmen de Lannek-er-Men is located in Port Brillac, a small village c. 4 km NW of Sarzeau in Morbihan. The chamber of this dolmen measures c. 3m x 2m x 0.6m. Two medium-sized capstones are supported by several orthostats on the NE and SW sides. There is a large floor slab in the NW half of the chamber.

The dolmen is wedged into a corner against a hedge in a grassy area, used as a car park on my visit. In fact, a BMW bumper was almost touching the dolmen. My picture options were restricted to lateral views.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road