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The Midsummer Solstice Sunrise at the Soulton Long Barrow by Andy B on Monday, 26 June 2023

Prof. Howard MR Williams writes: I have previously blogged about the original, All Cannnings Long Barrow. Rather than intended to emulate prehistoric architectures, they are megalithic columbaria designed to facilitate the deposition and commemoration of the dead in the 21st century.

The Soulton long barrow is run by Sacred Stones Ltd (who also manage the Willow Row monument near St Neots) and it is situated on the estate of Soulton Hall. When I visited, I had the privilege of meeting Tim Ashton of Soulton Hall and Toby Angel of Sacred Stones, together with small gathering of other people eagerly awaiting the dawn.

I got there at 4am excited and nervous at a rare outing to meet the living in the presence of the dead in the twilight. The solstice morning allowed me to re-visit the long barrow’s interior, and this time without crowds. I was then able to witness the spectacle of the sunrise unimpeded by people, trees or clouds. The long barrow’s passage, the entire monument’s alignment, together with an avenue and earth-built amphitheatre, are all orientated upon the midsummer sunrise. Electric lighting and candles lit the interior and then, once the sun was rising, its rays penetrated the entire length of the passage through both chambers to hit the stained glass door at the western end.

Walking so close to the remains of the dead during a striking natural phenomenon was truly evocative and memorable.
More, with photos and video at

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