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Stonehenge: The Little ‘Big Other’ by Mike Parker-Pearson by Andy B on Friday, 07 April 2023

A detailed new paper by Mike P-P in the Journal of Urban Archaeology and pleasantly Open Access: Whilst Stonehenge cannot be considered urban, this famous stone circle was part of a much larger complex which included not only other monuments and significant topographic features but also extensive areas of late Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlement during 2500-2200 bc.

The unusually large settlement at Durrington Walls, less than 3 km to the east of Stonehenge, appears to have been occupied primarily seasonally and by people who brought their livestock from many different parts of Britain. With the arrival of Beaker-users, the settlement focus shifted to the west of Stonehenge. There is growing evidence that the Stonehenge complex was not a central place but a ‘peripheral place’, located on what may have been a long-term cultural boundary within southern Britain. or

With thanks to Tim Daw for the link.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road