Comment Post

Re: Waipoua Forest - Archaeological Sites & Hidden Secrets by Anonymous on Friday, 30 September 2022

what i see in your comment is nothing but intellectual arrogance and hubris, and playing the racist meme shows how objective your position is. your so called "trained experts" are programmed to view history inside a defined and rigid paradigm that allows no questioning , whole careers and publications university courses are based on a very narrow interpretation of history, so it is difficult or impossible for people such as yourself (experts) to accept any other assessment or conclusions. your assumption that evidence of habitation is widespread burning of forests is just that, an assumption. not all cultures burn or destroy their environment with their presence. this rigid interpretation of history that brooks no examination or questioning outside your paradigm and vilification of those who see the past in a different light is why people have no trust in your interpretation of history, especially if it is linked with a "nulla terris" position by early and current maori .there are reputable and highly experienced archaeologists and historians who have a different interpretation of evidence and documented data. your position supports the current social engineering agenda this nation is being subjected to. what i see expressed in your opinions is a high degree of cognitive dissonance determined by the mass formation psychosis that is being directed at all people. a further indicator of your subjectivity is that you LABEL anyone who does not agree with you as a NAZI, i qualify this as a form of hate speech, and does not allow for discussion or a review of what is true or not. excuse me for being a little personal but you are a programmed patsy for a deeper agenda, there is a phrase i have heard " that the majority of right thinking people are wrong.'following your posts and the underlying rigidity of thinking i think you fall into that category. your career and standing in your circles no doubt depend on you not questioning the narrative you have been programmed with, so i understand you wanting to run with the herd and not being subjected to the kind of abuse that you direct towards those folk who do not agree with you. so, how can we respect what you say? YOUR rigid agenda is despicable. you are obviously reasonably intelligent or you would not think of yourself as a trained expert so use your intellect to review all you know, talk to the people who you look down your nose at,
they have important information to share with you that might free you from the constraints of your programming. peace to you.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road