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Carving a place, leaving a mark: Scotland’s rock art in context by Andy B on Wednesday, 08 September 2021

Carving a place, leaving a mark: Scotland’s rock art in context - Linda Marie Bjerketvedt.

Linda Marie Bjerketvedt, ScRAP Data Analyst, Historic Environment Scotland. Carving a place, leaving a mark: Scotland’s rock art in context

Since the 1980s, rock art research has increasingly considered the relationship between rock carvings and their surrounding landscape. Setting and context have been explored to better understand the meaning and role of rock carvings in prehistory, with long-distance visibility and pathways often argued to be important facets of their location (Bradley 1997). This presentation focuses on the regional variation of rock art across Scotland in different landscapes. It presents the results of computational analysis using data from the ScRAP database, applied to various case study regions. Using this approach helps decipher visibility and mobility patterns in a quantitative way, providing us with a clearer understanding of the relations between rock art and landscapes in Scotland.

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