Comment Post

New Petition to protest about building a restaurant on Castle Hill by Andy B on Thursday, 20 May 2021

OCealleigh writes: Kirklees Council has made a planning decision to allow a hotel/restaurant to be built this important monument, in the green belt in the proximity of a listed building. The design of the application may have a detrimental effect - there are consequences for wildlife and the local environment if this is allowed to go ahead.

This fiasco has gone on for nearly 16 years when the Thandi Brothers broke planning law by tearing down to much of the original Pub. The current application looks nothing like the original Pub and nobody knows what happened to the original Yorkshire Stone of the Pub.

There maybe a need for public toilet provisions and possibly beverages served up there but the current application may not be the answer.

The Petition is here

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road