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Re: Robank Fürstengrabhügel by Megalithic89 on Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Second biggest tumulus remained preserved in Switzerland. It was most probably built over a smaller tumulus of Middle Bronze Age (c. 1500 BC) towards the end of Early Iron Age, so c. 500 BC. Presumed to be the burial place of a celtic big landowner of the Late Hallstatt Culture. The hill has a diameter of about 40m and today is still 3,5m high. It was excavated in 1888 by J. Messikommer. In the year 1907 it was excavated a second time.

In Bois de Moncor near Villars-sur-Glane a bigger tumulus later was discovered. The archaeologists of Canton of Fribourg found out that Moncor tumulus is 1,75 km away from Chatillon-sur-Glane settlement. Robank Fürstengrabhügel is also 1,75 km away from a hillfort settlement (Heidenburg near Aathal at 47.33847N, 8.75947E).

Robank tumulus is located next to a forest road, one needs a map to find it.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road