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Possible new Neolithic/BA settlement half a mile from Skara Brae by Runemage on Thursday, 18 March 2021

Storms were responsible for exposing Skara Brae, now it seems they may have uncovered a wall belonging to another settlement half a mile away.

"possible Neolithic or Bronze Age settlement in the Bay of Skaill area was discovered around half a mile from Skara Brae.

The finds of a badly damaged wall, which had been exposed due to the pounding tides on this stretch of coast, along with deer antlers, a boar tooth, a cattle jawbone and a large decorated stone have led archaeologists to consider whether “another Skara Brae” is waiting to be discovered.

Sigurd Towrie, spokesman for the Archaeology Institute at University of Highlands and Islands, said earlier this month that the finds “suggest there is another settlement at the Bay of Skaill – one that, from previous environmental sampling, is likely to be 4,000 to 5,000 years old”. Yes, the link is for the skeletin/cist, but the settlement is also mentioned in the same article.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road