Comment Post

Re: Newgrange by 6A44NNx on Thursday, 08 October 2020

For the past while I have been studying [as a hobby],the sites of Knowth,Dowth,Newgrange and Cairn T over at Loughcrew.
As a remote viewer on the web,using the wealth of info available,photos etc and the books of the excavators/renorvators of these tombs.
The results of this study,point to the engraved Kerbstones etc as being hieroglyphic rather than petroglyphic.
The passage of Newgrange was I propose, built to align with the approx -28 declination full moon rise,nearest mid winter solstice...….
Read more on a free PDF at Speaks.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road