Comment Post

Re: Carn Briw by Anonymous on Thursday, 24 September 2020

Can’t tell from other people’s photos, and unfortunately I didn’t have a map or camera with me, but if this is this one I think it is there is a distinct ’pyramid’ to the E side which felt very much like it had built up by walkers, and an open ring cairn several metres across immediately adjacent to the W side, entrance to the ring cairn roughly SW. When I visited the day before September Equinox, I found that the setting sun was perfectly framed in a space created with a stone slab (again presumably created by a walker). I didn’t notice any other gaps in the stones like that- all stones within it were lichen-covered and look to have been in situ for a significant time. I love that somebody else perched there at an Equinox!

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road