Comment Post

Re: Lochmaben Stane by Andy B on Wednesday, 26 August 2020

As highlighted by Aubrey Steingraber in
Power, Place and the Archaeology of the Medieval Anglo-Scottish Borderland c. 1200- c. 1500 AD

International borders are complex and dynamic political constructs with significant local impacts. Borders, placemaking and society share a multitude of important connections which can be both frustratingly ephemeral and fundamentally material, and yet, the materiality of historical political borders is often overlooked. In the UK, the archaeological record of the medieval Anglo-Scottish borderland is a remarkably underutilised resource, and despite the fluidity and porosity of both the medieval and modern border, relatively few projects extend their research across the borderline. This project seeks to address this shortcoming by considering holistically for the first time the materiality of placemaking and power on both sides of the medieval Anglo-Scottish border and their relationships with wider cross-border dynamics.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road