Comment Post

Re: Carn Galver by Anonymous on Sunday, 19 July 2020

Nowhere have I specifically stated that my theories should be taken as fact. I just prefer my explanation as your theory, to my mind, has serious scientific flaws; I ask again - How can the quartz in this rock erode at exactly the same rate as the surrounding granite over all those centuries when the "cheese-cut" looking carns/tors & cliffs all over Penwith are evidence that they erode at a different rate? If any reading Geologist can explain I will take it on board.
Also Carn Galver's (underground evidence of) enclosure wall can't really be compared to Trencrom (some left above ground) because, although there is agriculture & some mining around Trencrom, it is much less intensive and it is not in the immediate area of the enclosure like Galva so some of the wall remains un-robbed.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road