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Re: RIP Dr Aubrey Burl, we have an Exclusive Video Talk Premier from 2000 7pm Thurs by Andy B on Wednesday, 22 April 2020

I've unearthed the original post announcing the event from the Britarch mailing list:

Stone Circles Grow Up
This is the title of Aubrey Burl's talk on the afternoon of Saturday October 28th 2000 at the village hall, Long Compton. The talk and slide presentation looks at the study of stone circles from the days of the early antiquarians to the modern archaeologist. This is the talk that Dr Burl was scheduled to give at the ASLaN conference but which had to be postponed due to other commitments. The talk is in aid of ASLaN and The Rollright Trust. Places will be allocated first to those who attended the ASLaN conference and then to members. We are expecting quite a lot of interest in this rare talk by the great man himself so write in and book your seat now if you want to be sure of being there.

There were books, CDs and many other items on sale, including Dr Burl's latest.
[which was at that time his key work on stone circles The Stone Circles of Britain, Ireland and Brittany]

Over At the Rollright stones: It's the dark time of year again and as usual we are having an event near to the festival of Samhain. We are breaking with the tradition of earlier years by having something happening at the circle through the afternoon and evening. including wandering minstrels and story-tellers. There will also be an opportunity during the day and evening for anyone who wishes to tell an anecdote or story about those they have lost and to light a candle in their memory - please bring your own candle and a jar to put it in!

Anyone is welcome to join in and members usual admission fee applies (free) - normal admission of 50p to everyone else. At 4.45pm there will be a fully open public ritual (no more accusations of occult activity if it's all open). This year will see the first Anglo-Saxon Heathen-led ritual at the Stones. The focus will be on the ancestors and this should be very appropriate as the most recent graves near the Stones are those from the Anglo-Saxon period. Once again all will be welcome.

Join in and partake in the Sumble (the ritual passing of one or more mead-horns around all present together with much public toasting and not a little good-natured boasting). We are informed that these events are very lively occasions and not at all sombre - join us in the mead queue.

Once darkness falls the site will be closed to those without tickets - Mad Mick is back with us once more in his familiar role of MC and Bard. The entertainment will be provided by Gippeswic Storytellers, Sleeping Myth, Morning Tide and The Way Forward with Scathagh's Wing and a trio of lovely ladies who have forgotten to tell me what name they are using in the afternoon.

Although 'officially' closed during the hours of darkness the Rollright circle will be staffed volunteers during the night of October 31st. Over the last few years we have come to realise that a lot of people visit on this night to pay their respects to passed loved ones. We also get local lads who have over-indulged at the pub and try to sneak in through the field in the vain hope of stumbling on naked witches dancing around afire!
Come and say hello if you are in the area and give the youngscallywags a fright.

[Archive email from 23rd October 2000];c6b24fa1.0010

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road