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Nunwick Henge HD Aerial Shot, ​Elevation projection and KML files by Andy B on Tuesday, 04 February 2020

Yorkshire Archaeological Aerial Mapping write: Nunwick is the third of the Henges forming the alignment from the Devils arrows in Boroughbridge up to the great henge alignment at Thornborough.
There is no sign of the henge on the ground or from the air, indeed it was only rediscovered post world war 2 from crop marks spotted from an aerial surveys,.

However, despite the face the earthworks have totally vanished the ground mapping process reveals not only the location of the henge but can interpret enough detail to show the banks, the ditches and the entryways of this remarkable Bronze age temple.

Despite the almost total destruction of the henge YAA can still reveal lost features in our landscape.

On their page they have an HD Aerial Shot, ​Elevation projection and KML files

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road