Comment Post

Re: Tribe Celebrates Legacy of Nanih Waiya by Andy B on Friday, 01 November 2019

Note from LPLS on Tripadvisor: Please be aware that the mound by the side of the road with the historical marker is not Nanih Waiya. Consider it a "tribute" mound. The tribes who originated in this area hold the actual mound very sacred and discourage visitors. I was fortunate to go there with a family of Native Americans from OK. Explaining who we were, we were directed by a local gentleman to the real mound -- from which you can see the "park mound." Both the Choctaws and the Chickasaw do not want tourists or visitors, and you can tell that. Some groups have made pilgrimages from Okla.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road