Comment Post

Re: Camp d'Atilla by Marko on Tuesday, 01 October 2019

Just metres from the village of La Cheppe.

Able to drive right up to it. Has plenty of parking and even a toilet block (albeit old style French ie a hole in the floor!!)

Information board in French and English just inside the gateway.
NB!! This gateway is considered to be the original entrance to the hillfort.

Further info boards (in French only) are located at a number of points on the rampart walk/circuit. Some of these info boards give good black and white images of the rampart before trees were allowed to grow again. Shame that they can't clear the trees (even partly) as the already impressive rampart would be even more so without them.

Ramparts still very impressive at the S.E (to the right of the main entrance).
Also very impressive to the S.W where a stream forms a moat like layer of defence.

Interior of the fort iwas under crop.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road