Comment Post

Re: Autel Druidique by lafemmedepierre on Wednesday, 05 June 2019

I came unexpectedly across the so called Pierre de Saint-Jean last sunday, and made some researches about it. I found out that there is an error on wikipedia's list. the stone does belong to the community of Lafrançaise, lieu-dit Saint-Jean, which sits very near to the neighbouring comunity of Montastruc.
hereafter my contribution to T4T35 (in french) :
Pierre de forme parallélépipédique avec un trou sur sa face supérieure.
Originaire du lieu-dit Saint-Jean, commune de Lafrançaise, au sud-est du bourg, tout proche de la commune de Montastruc, elle est aujourd'hui installée sur la place du Quercy. Si on lui a longtemps attribué des origines druidiques, cela a été contesté par certains archéologues qui pensent qu'il s'agit du soubassement d'une croix et ont refusé qu'elle soit inscrite au titre des Monuments Historiques.

I didn't measure it, but it is far too small to belong to any kind of dolmen or burial stone. And its appliance to be inscribed as Historical Monument has been refused, as it has no character of beeing of prehistoric origin. But it has been called "druidic" and healing powers have been given to it.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road