Comment Post

Petition to help protect Denghoog Sylt stone grave by Boeddel on Tuesday, 21 May 2019


Google translation:
We, the Sölring Foriining, the Sylt Kultur- und Heimatverein, fear that the stone grave Denghoog is irretrievably destroyed by the immediate proximity of a construction project. The excavation of a cellar of up to 1,000 m³ a few meters away from the monument could bring down the 12-ton cap stone of the Denghoog. It threatens the closure of one of the main accessible megalithic tombs of northern Europe. Over 5,000 years of history is at stake! Once more on Sylt, the preservation of our cultural heritage is placed behind private, commercial interests. This should finally be over on the entire island!

We demand:

The priority implementation of the law on monument protection before the Building Act on the entire island.

The long overdue establishment of the legally prescribed protection zone around the unique in Europe stone grave Denghoog.

The change of the development plan No. 7 of the municipality Wenningstedt-Braderup.

And thus the prevention of the basement building immediately adjacent to the stone-age tomb Denghoog.

The pain threshold of the Sylt is reached! The general Bauwut is now Sylter heritage to fall victim. Every available construction site is exhausted by investors, regardless of Sylt's monuments, as is currently the case in the case of the Denghoog stone-age tomb in Wenningstedt-Braderup on Sylt. We, the Sölring Foriining, as keeper of the Sylter cultural heritage as well as operators and owners of the Denghoog have the legitimate concern that could be moved when using heavy construction machinery next to the monument foot, the supporting stones of the megalithic tomb. A resulting risk of collapse would result in the permanent closure of the accessible Denghoog. Thousands of tourists and school children visit this impressive Neolithic testimony every year. It is one of the few originally preserved megalithic graves in Schleswig-Holstein and as a tourist highlight of the island indispensable. The loss of the more than 5,000-year-old Denghoog would be irreparable and would apply to all generations to come.

Thank you for your support, Sölring Foriining Fra Syt / Tinnum

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road