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5,000-year-old dolmen discovered during construction of Swiss garage by Andy B on Sunday, 17 February 2019

Archaeologists in the canton of Valais have discovered a 5,000-year dolmen, or megalithic tomb, during construction of an underground garage, cantonal authorities said on Thursday.

The discovery of the “extraordinary” dolmen occurred just as the archaeologists were about to close up an excavation site at the Don Bosco celtic burial grounds in the city of Sion.

The researchers had been monitoring and guiding construction during foundation works for a new garage in the north of the city when they came upon a number of massive stone slabs weighing several tonnes.

The slabs are part of a 5,000-year-old dolmen that could contain the remains of hundreds of bodies, cantonal authorities said in a statement.

Investigations will now be carried out to try and date the dolmen more precisely.

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