Comment Post

Re: Halnaker Hill by p_hoags on Thursday, 31 January 2019

The causewayed enclosure at Halnaker Hill, is more locally referred to by the site name of Halnaker Windmill. The site is a Scheduled Monument List Entry Number: 1020514.

The causewayed enclosure, dated to the Neolithic is NNE-SSW aligned. The enclosure covers approximately 2ha in total area but only the southern half of the monument is open and accessible to the public - comprising approx. 0.8ha - owned and managed by West Sussex County Council. The northern part of the site is in private ownership - and there is no public access to this.

Modern ploughing has reduced the bank and ditch considerably, with the earthworks on the southern and south western part of the site being the most visible.

Within the southern half of the causewayed enclosure are the remains of more "modern" archaeology incl. that of a 16th century post mill, a miller's cottage,
a dew pond, and WW2 observation post. A Grade 11 Tower Mill dated to the later 1700's is also on site, but excluded from the Schedule.

Public access to the site is along a Public Right of Way which follows the line of Stane Street Roman Road.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road