Comment Post

Re: Balfarg Henge by Anne T on Tuesday, 13 November 2018

I photographed part of the information board. Part of the text (minus photographs) reads:
"Prehistoric Balfarg
You are standing in a revered landscape sacred to generations of prehistoric folk.
Over a period of more than 2000 years this special place, encircled by hills and two burns, housed temples for the living and the dead. They built two ritual enclosures here known as henges – another is reconstructed 275 metres from here, by the main road.
An artist’s reconstruction of the henge nearing completion around 4000 years ago. In the background you can see the Balbirnie stone circle, which was aligned with the main entrance into the henge.
Did you know?
Some archaeologists think that each stone may have represented an ancestor, who you could commune with during a visit here.
About 4000 years ago – a teenage boy was buried at the centre of the henge. You can still see the massive stone slab which was found covering his grave.
Mine’s a pint – this pot (photo), known as a Beaker, was found buried in the grave.
About 5000 years ago – an impression of a feat taking place inside the five or six rings of oak tree trunks, which stood here for about 500 years before being replaced by the stone circles. "

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road