Comment Post

Re: Menacuddle by Andy_Norfolk on Tuesday, 24 July 2018

This well is NOT named after any saint and mentions of a St Guidel are wrong. Its name is recorded as Menequidel in 1250 and Menedcudel in 1284 and comes from the Old Cornish mened and cuydel and it means hillside with a small wood. (See Craig Weatherhill's book Place Names in Cornwall and Scilly", 2005It was also known as Pinni-menny. "This was, (and is now by a few) the name given to the little chapel-well near Trenance bridge, St. Austell. Young people wanting to know their fortune, dropped pins into the well and "wished."" (Jago"The Ancient Language and the Dialect of Cornwall" 1882)

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road