Comment Post

Re: Civilization One by neilwilkes on Saturday, 14 July 2018

It's obvious what side of the fence you sit on then - the one that is so arrogant it believes that we are the pinnacle and that nobody previous was smarter. Sorry but you are simply wrong. There absolutely was a "lost civilization" that had not only mapped the world but have left the evidence for those who are prepared to open their eyes and see what is right in front of them.

Incidentally, modern cosmologists do this sort of thing all the time - they base all their assumptions on fiddling with maths and absurdities such as a naked singularity in order to prop up their falsified theories of a gravity dominated expanding universe.

Velikovsky was far from delusional also - have you ever bothered to actually read what he wrote rather than the frothing at the mouth of people such as Shapley, who never bothered to actually read the books either preferring instead to reply on innuendo & outright lies instead along with a good dollop of threats to publishers.

Still, I should not be surprised. You mainstream guys are all the same and will use circular reasoning & "numerative sophistry" when it suits you, which is why books like this frighten you. It's not sophistry when anybody with a calculator can check the numbers for themselves.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road