Comment Post

Re: The Calderstones by davidgregg on Thursday, 07 June 2018

Hello folks. I have an update for the Calderstones site. I have been checking out hill notches in the Clwydian Hills as seen from the Wirral and Liverpool looking for
significant sunset sites. I found several potential sites on high ridges. To cut to the chase, standing on the original Calderstones tumulus at the winter solstice an observer in the late Neolithic would see the sun set in the Moel Arthur hill notch.
From early prints and old OS maps I also realised that the tomb passage pointed south east, and very close to winter solstice sunrise. Coincidence seems unlikely.

On the sunset line I also found stone rows at two places on the Wirral with winter solstice properties and a third site with sunset and two key moonset properties.
I am currently working on a paper on all this if anyone is interested.

Prof. Dave Gregg
P.S. are the stones in their new home yet?

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road