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Re: Cerrig y Gof by Andy B on Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Of great interest to archaeologists, this tomb has five small burial chambers (cists) radiating out from the centre of an oval mound. George Nash suggests this tomb may show the transition from Neolithic to Bronze Age tomb design. An outlying stone, not necessarily an erected one, at SN 0357 3892 is cupmarked.

We are lucky it still survives. In l853 an antiquarian vicar, the Rev H. Longueville Jones reported: “Five cromlechau arranged like the radii of a circle.. all cleared from the surrounding stones and earth; the tenant is very anxious for their removal, .. the probability, therefore, is that within a few years a new wall will have been added to the field, but that this almost unique monument will have disappeared.”(Arch Cambrensis 4, p 276). By l872 the journal reported that some of the stones had been removed. The l872 plan and line drawings are easier to follow than more modern photos.


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