Comment Post

Re: UFO witness appeal at Duloe by Rivierawriter on Wednesday, 07 March 2018

I have a problem with the constant religious idea for these things and like to look at other optiions which is why I am so interested in the quartz. As you say, those bluestones had to have been mighty important for them to go to all that trouble. And why, just outside Dunoon in Scotland, did someone source and then put on site a large piece of Rock Crystal on a cairn? There is no Rock Crystal anywhere near the Clyde.

My book is looking at it all forensically through the eyes of an engineer. I only see what is before me and ask the questions of when? how? and, most of all, why?

All fascinating stuff that keep the little grey cells ticking over.

Great to be in touch Angie and the copyright notice has gone in with your drawing. The text is about done, now for the line drawings after which I breath a huge sigh of relief.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road