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Episode 1 of the much heralded new BBC documentary Civilisations is tonight by Andy B on Thursday, 01 March 2018

Songs of the Caves writes: Professor Rupert Till, director of the University of Huddersfield's Sound Archaeology Research Group, features tonight on the first episode of the BBC2 TV series Civilisations. The programme explores the culture of prehistoric caves, and Professor Till discusses the soundscapes that accompany the paintings in caves that date up to 40000 years old.

The caves featured are the same ones that are featured in an interactive app that allows you to look around caves in northern Spain, as well as listen to what they sound like. You can download the EMAP Soundgate App for iOS smartphones and tablets, as well as for Android, PC and Mac.

With Professor Till is Nay player Mina Salama, who is here playing a reconstruction of a prehistoric flute like instrument, left in a French cave 20000 years ago.

Professor Till has also co-produced an album of recordings made with bone flutes, you can find the Edge of Time at

You can see more about the programme at

Research linked to the programme has been published as

Sound archaeology: terminology, Palaeolithic cave art and the soundscape

Cave acoustics in prehistory: Exploring the association of Palaeolithic visual motifs and acoustic response

More at

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