Comment Post

Re: Croham Hurst by Anonymous on Sunday, 07 January 2018

This site has a special atmosphere. The trees around the ancient barrow, which is said to be as old as 5000-7000 years, are Scotts Pines - an ancient and spirituality significant tree. The trees have spread a little from the barrow over the centuries and the local council proposed to cut down these trees sometime around 2002/3. Thankfully, the Friends of Croham Hurst group successfully campaigned against the proposal. One pine tree grows from the very centre of the barely perceptible earth mound and it feels a very special tree. I noticed on one visit that a ring of small pebbles had been made around the base of the tree's trunk, which added to the spiritual atmosphere. I try to help maintain that when I visit. My dog however won't follow me into the barrow area which is interesting. Looking south-east from the superb viewpoint you have a clear line to the high places of Coulsdon valley and beyond. It's an exceptionally green view considering all the buildings you'd encounter along that corridor at street level. It's easy sit on the brnvh there and look out, imagining the ancient people marking their sacred festivals by lighting beacons across these hills.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road