Comment Post

Re: Oetzi the Iceman film by Andy B on Thursday, 21 December 2017

Hello Kai,
I'm not sure, it might be in some art cinemas over here but it's had some coverage anyway:

Iceman the movie: stone age survivor Ötzi is brought back to life

Inspired by Ötzi’s cult status and much of the rich information that scientists have gathered about him and the way in which he lived, German filmmaker Felix Randau has now turned Ötzi’s struggle for survival into a feature film, which is out this month. Der Mann aus dem Eis (Iceman), a collaboration between Germany, Italy and Austria, was shot in the rugged mountains of Bavaria, South Tyrol and Carinthia.

“The figure of Ötzi, with his mythical grandeur, allowed us to look into the past to see what it tells us about the present,” Randau said in an interview. “It raises the question as to whether humans have really changed at all and developed over 5,000 years.” The film speculates why Ötzi was murdered, the exact details of which are a mystery, despite many theories offered by archaeologists and scientists.

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