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The ancient farm site close by Bat's Castle by Andy B on Wednesday, 12 July 2017

DavidHarcombe adds: The ancient farm site close by Bat's castle is not unique to this part of Somerset, & perhaps elsewhere too. Off-hand I can think of 3 possibles. 1st is a steep sloping one just beyond Doniford Bay Caravan Park, on a sharp rise just to the right of the Watchet-Doniford Rd before it joins the A39.

Second is Trendle Ring between Bicknoller & Weacombe Hill on the north side of the A358. Wikipedia has it as a possible fort, hill-slope enclosure, livestock enclosure, or settlement, but its sloping position halfway up the hillside instead suggests to me a cattle or animal corral site. Nowadays its only visitors are deer - reasonably plentiful there. Perhaps in the past it was used to corral them also.

And a 3rd site is in Daws Castle, one of Alfred's Saxon burgs, & named in the C16th after its owner of the time. It's at the top of Watchet's West St, just above the appropriately locally-named Saxon Ridge. Not much remains, as it was originally a cliff-top anti-Danish fortress (Watchet was a silver-coinage mint site in Alfred's time, with a lot of its output now in a Danish museum - probably paid as Danegeld). Anyway, much since then of Daw's Castle's north side has eroded into the Bristol Channel, but there's a muddy (perhaps originally a slurry) area in the southern part of what remains, suggesting its use as a livestock enclosure & perhaps farm settlement at least some time in the past.

PS: another good place to see deer is around Membury Fort/Camp!

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