Comment Post

Re: The Rumps by TheCaptain on Thursday, 08 June 2017

Rumps Point visit, September 2014

I wanted to have a walk round the cliffs of Rumps point, but remember from many years ago that its a long walk, with nowhere near to park, so was pleased when I looked at a newer version of the OS 25000 map that there is now a car park marked right out at Pentire Farm, from where a walk round the headland is not too far. It's a long narrow lane out to the farm, passing a NT centre and carpark, and getting to the farm they ask for £1 in the honesty box for upkeep of the parking area. Well done to them for making this available to all.

The Rumps is a fantastic double promontaried headland, one of which is spectacularly notable for its dinosaur like stone ridges rising from the sea. The fort is defended from the mainland by a large double row of banks and ditches cut right down into the bedrock at the narrowest part, and with a third rampart constructed further inland, for a sort of semi defended outer area.

It's beautiful out here, despite the sea being as flat as a millpond, so no waves crashing about over it all. Just offshore is the Mouls Island (Puffin Island to the coastal cruises), and underneath the ramparts of the headland is "Seals Cave". There were a lot of people out here walking, some of whom said that seals had been seen in the sea below, although we never saw any. The headland was however inhabited by a load of sheep, often making a stand and not letting me walk round the paths where they were grazing. There was also rabbits and lots of various birds, including at one point a buzzard and two kestrels fighting for the best hunting position on the cliff rocks.

Following a pasty lunch sat on the ramparts, we walked back up to the main headland and around to Pentire Point, which has even more superb views right over the entrance to Camel Estuary, with the beaches at Polzeath and the Doombar, and beyond that down to Trevose Head and Newquay. What a fabulous place, once more thanks to the farmers for opening this up to the less fit masses.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road