Comment Post

Re: Cleeve Hill by drolaf on Thursday, 01 June 2017

The hill camp is on the southern edge of Cleeve common.
From Cleeve hill you can see sw across the Severn to the Black mountains (77miles), nw to the Malverns, and south to Painswick beacon , and the Severn bridge, and up the Evesham valley. On a very clear day you can see Winsford Hill on Exmoor (90miles).
There is a dewpond on top of the common, possibly a water source in prehistory.

It’s a shame the golf course has been allowed to put a green on the Hillcamp bank.
Cleeve common is privately owned and managed by the Board of Conservators, representatives appointed by Cheltenham Borough Council and the Parish Councils. So if you are local you might get a say in what happens on this land.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road