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Roy G and TimeSeekers Leskernick Field Reports by Andy B on Thursday, 25 May 2017

Roy G writes: Some Leskernick updates for you.

We have completed the work on both circles now and have just commenced on the stone row. For the moment the stones are evenly spaced making them 'easy' to find using a thin spike.

Here is the link to my completed Field Report of Leskernick's South stone circle.

Here is the link to the Leskernick North Circle clearance report:

Here is the third and final link to the Leskernick clearance. This time it's the Stone Row.

We had a fabulous time out there and when I say 'out there' I really mean it. This must be one of the least most visited parts of Bodmin Moor even though its only a 20 minute walk from Westmoorgate to the east. The views from ground level are spectacular and from the top of Leskernick Hill unbelievable. Do visit as there is now so much to see. This is a special place with the most wonderful mainly Bronze-Age Settlement on the hill itself.


Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road