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Jean-Michel Jarre to play anti-Donald Trump Dead Sea concert by Andy B on Monday, 03 April 2017

Pioneering electronic musician Jean-Michel Jarre has said he wants to use an all-night concert at the Dead Sea to highlight what he sees as the anti-environmental policies of Donald Trump.

The French musician, who shot to fame in the 1970s, will perform in front of the ancient Masada fortress in Israel on Thursday in a bid to draw attention to the “urgency of saving the Dead Sea”, he told AFP.

The lake shared by Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian territories, which is the lowest and saltiest body of water in the world, is receding by roughly a metre per year. Experts have said it is on course to dry out by 2050.

The musician said he wants to “make the world aware” of the danger. Jarre, 68, spoke of the lack of oxygen in the Dead Sea – an allusion to his best-known album, Oxygene.

Jarre is a goodwill ambassador for Unesco, which in 2002 designated Masada a world heritage site. The venue at the foot of the fortress is one of the most striking sites in the region and the location of the biblical story of King Herod, in which the king built Masada fortress in the first century BC on a rocky outcrop 430 metres above the Dead Sea.


Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road