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Tullochcroisk Farm (Craigh na dùn) by Andy B on Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Tullochcroisk Farm (Craigh na dùn) is where the "Outlander" story really starts; a dun (small hill) topped by a stand of Scots pines & of course those famous Neolithic standing stones (the stones are sadly fictional).

Nevertheless there is some real Scottish archaeology at the site featuring a circular pattern of stones which may have simply been a sheep enclosure erected in the 18th century.

Looking east, early morning autumnal light & the sweeping farm track accentuate this distinctive stand of trees again soft pastel colours in the sky.

The name "Tullochcroisk" from which the farmstead takes its name, is a combination of old Scots & Gaelic languages & roughly means the hillock of the cross. The area is also known as Kinloch Rannoch

Photographed by Graham Harris photography

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