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Drombeg Stone Circle Sunrise Union by shadow at cross-quarter dates 5th Nov 5th Feb by Andy B on Friday, 18 November 2016

Terence Meaden writes: Next is Chapter 10 of my book about the stones of Drombeg, Avebury and Stonehenge at sunrise. I have jumped from Chapter 6 to 10. Anciently, on the basis of the cross-quarter calendrical system that I proposed in Chapter 2, the cross-quarter dates were 5 November for the Samhain equivalent and 5 February for the Imbolc equivalent. Instead of a Neolithic type 365-day calendar, we use a modified 12-month Roman calendar. In the course of time the Samhain and Imbolc dates drifted from the Neolithic reconstructed dates, and got changed under Church influence.

Those wanting to recognise the Neolithic /EBA equivalent of Samhain when visiting stone circles should do so with a target 'cross-quarter date' of Day 320 in mind on the ancient 365-day calendar. This is 5 November on our Roman monthly calendar---not 1 November or 31 October. Moreover, such visits are most appropriately done at sunrise.

Drombeg Stone Circle Sunrise Union by shadow at cross-quarter dates 5th November and 5th February

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